High-Throughput Enzyme Screening System
        As catalysts to chemical reactions, enzymes are widely used to facilitate industrial processes and the production of products in a variety of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemical production, biofuels, food & beverage, and consumer products. Enzyme screening is therefore an important step to facilitate the discovery of novel biocatalysts for biotech industry.
      The high-throughput screening (HTS) facility at Thailand Bioresource Research Centre (TBRC) is a fully automatised robotic platform to facilitate high‐throughput screening for enzymes of interest and optimisation purposes. The robotic screening lines include liquid handling system, detection system (microplate reader), Microtiter plate and deep-well plate shaking incubation systems, automated colony picker, and control system. This platform enables proper monitoring and control of growth conditions of microorganisms in the 96-well plate format to ensure precise enzymatic assays and enzyme production for the interrogation of enzyme mutant libraries.  Furthermore, the platform can be used in combination for development of new fast and robust enzymatic assays.
        At present, the platform has exemplified for several enzyme classes important for biocatalysis, biosurfactants, biodegradation and cosmeceuticals. The protocols running on the platform include the dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) and p-nitrophenyl based assays.
        This HTS facility offers automated screening systems for compounds/products of interest on either a collaborative or service basis. Please contact ACMU secretariat for specific information.